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UpTrust is an organization dedicated to civilizational alignment and well-being. We do this through better internet, through better dialogue, through systemic nudges that change the incentive landscape to bring out the best of humanity rather than the current systems which optimize for attention via nervous system hijacks, clickbait, and naively promoting the content that gets the most interaction.

This hierarchy of improvements prioritizes the quality of content, the synthesis of diverse ideas, trustability, and interdependence over the isolating and often sensationalist tendencies of individualism and shock value that tend to create filter bubbles.

Moreover, our platform seeks to elevate collective awareness, enhancing our understanding of ourselves as interconnected parts of a larger whole. This awareness extends to recognizing common knowledge and the shared mental constructs that shape our collective reality.

The app you're about to use is nowhere near a final product, nor is it comprehensive of the vision, which itself is still evolving. We're deeply grateful for your help and participation in enacting this vision, and we sincerely apologize for any bugs or oddities—as Reid Hoffman said, “If you are not embarrassed by the first version of your product, you've launched too late.” Your role and feedback is extremely helpful in moving us closer to this positive vision of the future.
